More than a week ago, when i found an interesting post in Facebook by one of my colleague, I've told myself that I should really try to visit this site. And I was not really disappointed by it. Before visiting, I've always visit whenever I want to search new songs on the net. And comparing these two music search engine sites, mp3pile has a more organize and clean home page compare to mp3raid. Another good thing about mp3pile is that whenever you find the songs you want to listen, it has a music player as well and you can download the songs you wanted.
Compare to however, does not indicate the playtime of the songs you've searched in their results. And since this is new in the net, I believe that they will improve the site even more.
From a music lover's stand point, is worth the visit when finding the songs you want to listen and even download. So what are you waiting for?!... Just try to visit are the visit is all worth it.
Special thanks to Mr. RMV for the permission to this review...