Friday, August 13, 2010


   When it comes to network security, a firewall is considered as the most well - known security device from threats and attack from the cyber world. By definition, a firewall is simply a system or (can be a) group of systems that creates a what we call an "Access Control Policy" between two or more networks. This means it acts as a barrier to potential attacks and threats to penetrate illegally inside a network system.

     Generally, firewalls fall into three categories. And let me give a basic concept of each three:

a.) Dedicated Firewalls - Mostly, these are hardware appliance - based devices that are available to secure a network. It adds features such as stateful, application-based filtering, dynamic per-user authentication and authorization, defense against network attacks, Java blocking, and real-time alerts. It offers a high - level of network security and these are mainly used by companies that needs to protect their networks (especially there mainframe computers) from serious threats and attacks that may jeopardized its operation within the network.

b.) Server - Based Firewalls - This is basically security solution that runs on network operating system (NOS) such as the Microsoft ISA Server or Novell Border Manager. One of the popular server - based firewall nowadays however is so - called "Endian Firewall".They offer a mid -level network security since they run on general - purpose OS such an NOS.

c.) Personal Firewall - These are firewalls that usually reside on a user's PC. They just protect your computer from threats and attacks that you may acquire via an internet connection. Majority of the anti - virus softwares includes these personal firewalls.

     Hope you have learned something from this topic that I've shared to you once again...Thanks for reading...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Life After Information Technology Related Courses

Aside from Nursing, I believe that Information Technology related courses are quite in - demand, not only here in the Philippines, but also in other countries as well... One good thing about this course is that student can actually have a specialization... For example, Information Technology (IT) students that are interested in web design may focus on Web Development... Students under this specialization have the potential to build and design quality web sites for several companies... And I know individuals that are in to this specialization... For a more technical interest in IT (like me), they can take Network Administration as their specialization... Others may find this boring... But actually, this specialization in IT are one of the highest paying jobs abroad... Especially if you work in companies like Cisco, and Fluke... So students, you don't have to worry on what you will become after finishing IT - related courses... The important thing is that as much as possible, you should establish a good academic standing while you are studying... Because this will be the edge that you may need to get a better job or work out of Information Technology...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Why did some PCOS machine failed during election day?

Last May 10, 2010, the Philippines had its very first automated elections for both the National and Local positions. And 3 weeks since then, we see numerous comments on the said election.

And one of those comment is the sudden failure of some (if not many) Precinct Count Optical Scan (or PCOS) machine during the day of the election. From the computer technician's point of view, there is quite obvious explanation as to why some PCOS machine fails.

This machine has the similar components of a simple computer system. And we all know that an electronic components' enemy is heat. The election was held in various public schools in which majority (or almost all) of them does not have any ACUs. And in one classroom or voting precinct, it is comprised of several precinct clusters in which there are so many voters in that cluster. Not to mention, with all those people inside a voting precinct, and with the heat accumulated by the machine, it is no wonder that the chances for that machine to fail is more likely. Although during the machine testing, they've performed well, we all know that the ventilation inside that room is very much different compare to the actual election day.

This article only discuss that actual operation loophole of the PCOS machine during the election. And although it actually performs well, we should always consider that these electronic machines need proper ventilation to prevent shutdown and equipment failure. Therefore, in the next automated election, the officer who organize the precincts should ensure that the place is actually well-ventilated. And in the viewpoint of an I.T. hardware expert, we should keep in mind that excessive heat in an electronic component or equipment can greatly deteriorate its performance in the long run.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Net Send: A primitive instant messaging service?

Nowadays, we use programs such as Yahoo Messenger, MSN Live Messenger, or even Digsby to chat with others online. But what you may not know is that before even these became popular, there was an older utility program that its sole function is to send instant messages anyone inside the network; the NET SEND command. It's major difference to other instant messaging (IM) programs, the NET SEND is purely a text line interface when sending messages, and it has a pop - up window in which messages using this utility are received here.

When using it, you must open your command line prompt or the cmd shell in your Windows OS. There are different variations on how you use this command:

1.) NET SEND {user name} message
     - This command syntax is normally used to send instant message to another computer within the network using its user name.
2.) NET SEND {computer name} message
     - This command syntax is normally used to send instant message to another computer within the network using its computer or PC name.
3.) NET SEND {*} message
     - This command syntax is normally known as a broadcast message to the domain wherein a network is connected.
4.) NET SEND {/USERS} message
    - This command syntax is normally used to send instant message to all users that has a session within the server.
5.) NET SEND {/DOMAIN} message
    - This command syntax is normally used to send instant message to another computer into another domain.

Although majority users do not use this utility as a form of instant messaging service, network geeks are certainly knowledgable with this utility. And maybe once in a while, I think you should try to use this utility. Because this one utility that may be helpful to you, in case you want to become a network administrator someday.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Updating your anti - virus software

Basically, it is truly safe to say that your computer is protected if it has an anti - virus software installed on it. But how can I be sure with that statement? Regardless to which anti - virus software installed in your computer, in order to make them work efficiently, they must be updated as often as possible. And how will I do it? The most effective way on updating an anti - virus software is updating them over the internet.

As we all know, there are thousands (or even millions) of viruses that are created and generate everyday and is basically passed via internet. Our anti - virus software, if updated, downloads additional features in terms of virus protection in our computer. And they even update the so - called "virus signature database" of most anti - virus software in order for them to be updated on what kind of threats (in the form of a virus for example) that your PC is encountering in every day use. So my advice to all users is that, it is very essential to have an internet connection in order for your anti - virus software to work and perform well. Because if you don't, installing an anti - virus software in your PC is just like implanting a time bomb on it that you have no idea when and where threats will attack in your PC.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - your new music search engine on the net

More than a week ago, when i found an interesting post in Facebook by one of my colleague, I've told myself that I should really try to visit this site. And I was not really disappointed by it. Before visiting, I've always visit whenever I want to search new songs on the net. And comparing these two music search engine sites, mp3pile has a more organize and clean home page compare to mp3raid. Another good thing about mp3pile is that whenever you find the songs you want to listen, it has a music player as well and you can download the songs you wanted.

Compare to however, does not indicate the playtime of the songs you've searched in their results. And since this is new in the net, I believe that they will improve the site even more.

From a music lover's stand point, is worth the visit when finding the songs you want to listen and even download. So what are you waiting for?!... Just try to visit are the visit is all worth it.

Special thanks to Mr. RMV for the permission to this review...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The ECE Chronicles...Now with PageRank 1 status...

     It has been more than 3 months since I've decided to establish this blog site which its purpose to simple topics in the Information Technology field. And after 8 posts, this site has achieved over 2 million in the alexa ranking. And for its latest achievement, this site has been given with PageRank 1 (PR1) status. I would like to thank all my site visitior and my colleagues as well in the field of blogging (especially Mr. Day Cody).

     With this, I will try to bring each and every one of you quality posts that may contribute in sharing my knowledge in the Information Technology field.

Snapshots courtesy of: &

Monday, March 22, 2010

How really fast is your internet?

     Supposed that you've applied a 256kbps internet connection at your home. Do you think the service was worth it? Well, one thing to put it to the test is by using the speedtest sites that measures actual download and upload speed provided by your ISP for a particular moment. Just visit the site select a particular host server. And just wait for the results.

Figure 1

Figure 2

     As shown in the figure, it will basically tells you have long will you be able to complete a download depending on different applications such as music files, movie files, or movie clips. Of course, the higher download speed (measured in milliseconds or ms), the better your internet connection at the time being. Now, its time for you to test it and see for yourself if your current internet connections or subscription is all worth the hype...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Packet Inter - Network Groper (or ping)

     In networking, ping (stands for Packet Inter - Network Groper) is a basic command that end - users may utilize to test mainly their network and internet connectivities as well. It works by sending special Internet Protocol packets called Internet Control Message Protocol echo request datagrams, to a specified destination either in the network your PC is in, or the internet. Each packet that will be sent is a request for a reply from the destination.

     Figure 1 shows a good output response for a ping command. It displays a reply from the destination along with the round - trip time of the packet sending to the destination, and its success rate whether at what percentage did the packets received into its destination. This will tell you that you are definitely connected in a network or to the internet.

Figure 1

     Figure 2 however shows another side of the output request made through the ping command. The words "request time out" tells that the packets were not successfully send to its destination or failed to make a reply going back to the sender. This response will tell you that there is no network connectivity (at least to a member of that network) or internet connectivity (at least to a specific website). And reasons from this output may include configuration problems, or network - hardware related problems.

 Figure 2

     Hope you've learned something from this post... Thanks for visiting...'Til next time...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The ECE Chronicles...Now with "Odiogo" application

Now, my blog site is hooked up with the "Odiogo" application that is basically a text - to - speech converter which can turn my "written"posts into an "audible" post as well...

It literally turns my blog followers (if there are any...hehehe) from readers, into listeners as well. Embedding this application into your blog sites may be a good thing because it adds that "multimedia" content for your blog. And for that reason, it may be a good factor to somehow increase the traffic ranking of your site. You may visit on how to avail this application and be added into your blog...

(Photo courtesy of:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Using the System Configuration Utility

     For Windows users, loading up the operating system in computer when turned on (or Windows Startup) may took you longer than expected in some cases. In one way to put that theory to the test is that when your PC loads its operating system, you'll eventually notice that balloon tips in the lower right of your taskbar will appear specially if you do not prefer to have the so - called "Automatic Updates" for your Windows operating system. Now, if that took you 5 - 10 minutes, well and good. If it proved otherwise, then, some problems may be speculated in your PC. But before that happens, one effective way that you may test is by using the "System Configuration Utility" in your Windows OS.

     This utility enables and even disables applications to be included in the Windows Startup which saves a part of your system resources such as memory and CPU usage for a faster startup. Now, using this utility is easy. Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Click "Start", then Click "Run" (see figure 1). Once you've done it, type "msconfig" (uppercase may do as it is not  case - sensitive) and press "Enter" (see figure 2). If done correctly, a window should appear that shows that actual "System Configuration Utility" (see figure 3).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Step 2:Click the "Startup" tab, and from there, you may uncheck items that are not necessarily needed for Windows Startup. Examples of which are seen in figure 4. Never uncheck items that is associated with your anti - virus or programs associated with "system32". This may cause bigger problems for your Windows Startup.

Figure 4

Step 3: Click "Apply" and then "OK". You should remember that all changes you've done in this utility will take effect once you restart the computer (as shown in figure 5).

Figure 5

     If done correctly, this will speed up your Windows startup a bit. But if nothing is changing, then, you should reconsider other problems such as virus problems, or your system resources (i.e., HDD free space and memory) is almost at full. Hope that this post help out a bit...'Til then...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How does a LAN Cable Tester work?

Some sites teaches you how to make RJ - 45 network cables. But as I browse over the net, I only found few sites that teaches you how to test the cables that you've made. One means of it is by using a LAN Cable Tester.

As shown in the figure above, this is a cheap LAN Cable Tester that I bought at less than 200 pesos(approximately 4 USD). However, it is well enough to get the job done. And now, how do we use it? Well, here are the steps:

Step 1: Get your newly - made RJ - 45 network cable and connect both ends of the cable in both RJ - 45 ports of the tester as shown in the figure below.

Step 2: You should see that the LED indicators at the same pin number lights up at the same time, or according to the correct sequence according to the cable you've made. Otherwise, your cable does not work.

Here are the following LED indication sequence that you should see when using your LAN Cable Tester:

If your newly - made cable does not work, the following reasons may have occured:

a.) Either ends of the cable, are not well crimpped yet. Try to crimp it more.
b.) Wrong color coding scheme when making the cable. Double - check the color coding depending on the variation.

Hope this post shed some light (again) for those PC techies out there.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Proper Handling of Computer Components

Perhaps of one the safety issue in PC assembly is the static electricity being discharged by the technican. It is no secret to us all the we generate static electricity by means of rubbing (either intentional or unitentional) surfaces and objects. Though this electricity, is not at high as a high - voltage wire, this electricity is what an electronic component needs to be damage. And so, as a PC technician as well, i show you how to handle computer components, the right way.

The figure above shows how we handle our expansion cards (and the like) properly. At least, if ever discharge static electricity, it does not go directly to the electronic component (ICs, resistors, ad capacitors)that is inside the expansion card.

The next figure shows improper handling of our expansion cards. If handled this way for a long time, it is no wonder that the performance of our components deteriorate. And then eventually will damage our component.

Hope this post will guide all those PC techies to practice the safe way on how well handle our components. Like they say, "Handle with Care"....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Site Construction

I apologize that over the past weeks, I haven't added new post in this blog... Perhaps, that the time constraints in my workload and my graduate studies caught me up in this "dilemma"....And my "creative juices" has not been flowing lately...Rest assured that I'll come up with topics and forum over the weeks...Ciao...